CrossFit South Brooklyn Group Class Coaching Expectations


  • Coaches should be available and ready five to 10 minutes before classes start.
  • Coaches should start and end classes on time.
  • Coaches should use clear time stamps to manage class objectives.

    Read all about "Timeliness" here.


  • Brief every class on workout and scaling options at whiteboard before each segment. Here is an opportunity to focus on one to three points of performance.
  • Connects individually with every athlete at least once, if not twice, each class.
  • Projects confidence and interest, and engages both the entire class and individuals.
  • Loud and clear communication, considering vocal projection and orientation relative to audience.
  • Facilitates inclusive and friendly interaction with the entire class, and between individuals.

    Read all about "Communication" here.


  • Provides clear and effective progressions during coach-led segments.
  • Controls tempo and positions of everyone during coach-led reviews.
  • Ability to micromanage troubled movers without slowing the rest of the class down, and provides concise solutions for individuals who need it.
  • Confidence to stop and scale improper and unsafe movement, even at the expense of performance results.
  • Encourages individuals to scale up when you think it's appropriate.
  • Prioritized and methodical cueing, during warm-ups, lifting, and metcons.

    Read all about "Coaching" here.


  • Clean and groomed.
  • Wearing workout clothing.
  • Not eating while teaching.
  • Never on phone unless emergency situation.

Tandem Coaching Guidelines

  • Discuss work distribution before class starts, trying to keep overall workload even.
  • While one coach is leading flow, the second coach should be organizing logistics for the following segment or working with troubled movers.
  • Evenly distribute athletes between coaches.
  • If a class goes over, one coach should finish out that class while the other coach begins the next class.

    Read all about "Tandem Coaching Guidlines" here.

Large Class Logistics

  • When there are 16 or more athletes, double them up on led barbell reviews.
  • Effectively pair people up, using the appropriate method. 
  • Communicate with other coaches using the space during any given class, so that everyone's space and equipment needs are accomodated in the most effective way.
  • Abbreviate scaling options in the interest of streamlining the process of pairing partners.
  • Evenly divide clusters of athletes into zones, which each coach will be responsible for

    Read all about "Large Class Logistics" here and here.